使命、愿景 & 信仰声明
The mission of Hardin-Simmons University is to be a community dedicated to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values.
Hardin-Simmons University will be an innovative community of servant scholars engaging the minds and nurturing the spirits of future Christian leaders.
经过多次祈祷和仔细考虑, this 信仰声明 humbly and thoughtfully memorializes the sincere historically held religious beliefs of Hardin-Simmons University. The institution remains committed to providing excellence in education enlightened by Christian faith and values.
我们渴望像上帝爱我们一样去爱每一个人. Hardin-Simmons will continue to welcome students from diverse backgrounds and experiences and encourage them to pursue excellence in education and grow in the knowledge and practice of 神’s Word expressed in the Holy Bible.
This 信仰声明 directs all facets of the governance, 政府, 管理, 操作, 以及学校的就业实践. While we want students to become knowledgeable of world views and perspectives on faith and life, the education and discipleship provided to students by the university must advance our Vision and Mission and not conflict with this 信仰声明.
我们相信耶稣基督, 道成肉身, 完全的神和完全的人, who died for us and was raised from the dead and ascended into heaven. 基督的再来将完成神的救赎使命. 耶稣基督 is the only mediator between 神 and humanity.
以赛亚书53:1-12, 马修20:28, 约翰1:1, 约翰一14, 约翰58, 约翰11, 约翰6, 罗马人5:8-10, 罗马书6:23, 哥林多后书5:21, 加拉太书2:20, 腓立比书2:7, 歌罗西书2:9, 提摩太前书2:5, 希伯来书15, 彼得前书3:18, 约翰一书2:1-2, 约翰一书3:5, 约翰一书3:16
我们相信独一又真又活的神, 创造天地的主, 显现在三个人身上:父亲, 儿子, 和圣灵. 上帝是全能的,无所不在的,无所不知的. 神必永远掌权. 神就是爱.
创世记1:1, 申命记6:4-9, 约书亚书1:9, 历代志上29:11, 诗篇139:1-12, 诗篇146:10, 诗篇147:4-5, 以赛亚书9:7, 以赛亚书44:6, 耶利米书10:10, 马修3:16-17, 马太福音十六章十六节, 马太福音28:19, 马克1:9-11, 卢克一33, 约翰6:57, 约翰10:30, 罗马人8:14-15, 哥林多后书13:14, 加拉太书4:6, 詹姆斯19, 约翰一书3:20, 约翰一书4:8, 约翰一书4:16
我们相信圣灵, 助手, 上帝与我们同在, 谁教导我们,带领我们在信心上成长. 当圣灵降临在我们身上时,我们就获得了能力.
约翰14:15-17, 约翰14:26, 约翰15:26, 约翰16:7-15, 使徒行传一章8节的, 徒2:38, 徒31, 徒五32, 罗马书8:9, 罗马人或其他, 罗马书15:13, 哥林多前书2:13, 哥林多后书3:17, 约翰一书4:2
We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired authority for life and faith. The Bible is 神’s word and accomplishes His purpose, does not return empty, and will stand forever.
约书亚1:8, 诗篇119:11, 诗篇119:105, 以赛亚书40:8, 以赛亚书55:10-11, 约翰6:63, 约翰福音, 提摩太后书3:16, 罗马福音15:4, 帖撒罗尼迦前书2:13, 希伯来书4:12, 彼得后书1:20-21, 启示22:18-19
我们相信人类是按照上帝的形象创造的. Humankind disobeyed 神 and fell from a sinless state when tempted by Satan. 因为所有人都有罪, they are separated from 神 and stand in need of rescue and redemption. Because of His great love, 神 provided a way for humanity to be put right with him. The death and resurrection of 耶稣基督 provide for rescue and redemption from sin.
创世纪1:26 - 27, 创世纪3:1-24, 《中文博彩平台》九, 出埃及记32:33, 以赛亚书53:5-9, 以赛亚书59:2, 弥迦书3:4, 罗马书3:23, 罗马人5:1-21, 哥林多前书15:17-22, 加拉太书1:3-4, 加拉太书2:20, 加拉太书3:13, 以弗所书1:7, 以弗所书2:10, 彼得前书1:13-16
We believe that 救恩 is a gift that comes by grace through faith in 耶稣基督.
约翰1:12-13, 约翰3:16-18, 约翰3:36, 约翰5:24, 徒4:8-12, 罗马书1:16, 罗马书6:23, 罗马书十章九节, 以弗所书1:13-14, 来到, 帖撒罗尼迦前书5:9-10, 提多2:11-14, 彼得后书3:9, 约翰一书1:9
We believe that the church was instituted by Jesus and that he is the head of the church. The church is the gathered community of believers built together for 神 by the Spirit and serving as the body of Christ in the world. The church is called to be Christ’s ambassadors and given the ministry of reconciliation.
马太福音16:18, 马修28:18-20, 徒2:46-47, 徒20:28, 罗马人12:4-5, 哥林多前书3:16, 哥林多前书12:12-31, 哥林多后书5:11-21, 以弗所书2:19-22, 以弗所书4:14-16, 腓立比书2:1-11, 歌罗西书1:18, 希伯来书10:24-25, 彼得前书2:4-10
We believe that 神 created the human race with two genetic sexes, male and female.
We believe that marriage has been established by 神 to be a life-long, covenant relationship between one genetic male and one genetic female. We also believe that sexual activity is intended by 神 to be expressed solely in the context of a loving marriage between one genetic male and one genetic female.
《中文博彩平台》24, 出埃及记20:14, 马修19:4-8, 马克10:6-9, 罗马人1:26-32, 哥林多前书6:9-11, 以弗所书5:21-33, 帖撒罗尼迦前书4:3-5, 提摩太前书1:8-11, 希伯来书十三4
We believe that every person has been fearfully and wonderfully made by 神 and should be afforded love, 善良, 同情和尊严.
创1:27, 诗篇139:13-18, 马修7:9-12, 马修9:36-38, 马修22:34-40, 马修25:34-36, 马克12:28-34, 路加福音6:27-36, 路加福音10:25-37, 约翰13:34-35, 约翰15:9-17, 罗马人12:9-21, 哥林多前书13:1-13, 加拉太书3:26-29, 加拉太书5:22-26, 以弗所书4:31-32, 腓立比书2:1-11, 《中文博彩平台》3:12-17, 彼得前书3:8, 彼得前书4:9-11, 约翰一书3:16-18, 约翰一书4:19-21
*从希伯来语翻译过来是可怕的意思 怀着极大的敬意,发自内心的兴趣,怀着敬意. (诗篇139:14)